Monday, July 28, 2014

New Containers

...well, new to me anyway.  =)

I was looking for a way to store the beads that I use in my craft projects. I love the little seed style beads but storage of them can be tricky without spending money on specialty storage containers. I'm far too frugal for my own good sometimes when it comes to spending money on myself, so going to the store and buying new containers was going to be my last resort. My hubby has these neat little zip-lock style baggies that I was using to store my beads but they were not all that practical as you really have to dump the beads out of the bags to use them. So I was trying to find something around the house I could use.

Then it hit me. A few months ago my hubby had showed me some containers he had acquired and didn't need anymore. He had offered them to me but at the time I didn't see a need. Well today I found my need!

They are the perfect size to hold my beads. AND the best part is no more dumping the beads out of the container to use them. Not only that but as you can see the containers stack neatly together. Not only do they stack but they screw together.  *content sigh*

Yes, sometimes it's the weirdest little things that make my day.  =)

Happy Stitching!


Frances said...

What great storage for your beads!
I just found your blog and like it!
I scrolled through and saw some cute ornaments--I stitch ornaments mostly, so I am always interested in those!
It seems that you have had very much to deal with recently and I hope you are doing better now, with everything that has gone on. I know life is full of challenges, and we all hope for things to slow down and become peaceful!
Please check my blog--I've only had it for a few months, but I'm enjoying it tremendously.
Have a nice "rest of the weekend"!

ricketyjo said...

Fabulous little pots!!! I'm just playing catchup and I wanted to say I was sorry to hear about your dad. I hope that your further tests go ok and that you are able to get back to some sort of normal :) Looking forward to seeing more of your crafty projects!