Saturday, September 28, 2013

Pumpkins For Cathey

I'm a day late but I want to show my support!
She is fighting cancer and that is something she and I have in common.
I too am walking the breast cancer journey.
So here's to you Cathey from a fellow cancer sister! 

May you have many more happy years of blogging!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mid Week Update

Looks like Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe is having a giveaway of their Gingerbread Trim Packs! YAY!

Click on their name above to go to their blog and enter for a chance to win! =)

Mid Week

I remembered to have my hubby take a couple of pictures of the "angel of mercy nurse" ornament that I did for a very special nurse that took care of me during the first stages of my chemo treatments. She is getting ready to take a leave of absence and I wanted to do a little something for her to show my appreciation for her kindness to me. If you are interested in more details you can read more at my cancer blog. But here is a picture of the front and back of the project.

It was just a small, quick little thing to say thank you. I think my finishing skills need some work.  =P

Here is a pic of a little lavender sachet I did several years ago.

The weather here in the Sacramento Valley has FINALLY cooled off for a couple of days. I am very much enjoying the 70 degree temps as opposed to the near 90 or higher temps we were having. I'm sure it won't last but I will take the cooler days when I can get them.  =)

I hope everyone is having a good week! I feel well enough again to start working on my Harvest Exchange project a little more so I am off for now.

Until next time....Happy Stitching!  XX

Monday, September 16, 2013

WIP Pics

Well darn...

I forgot to take pics of the little stitch project I did for my older sister's birthday. BUT, I did remember to take a pic of the piece I'm doing for my hubby's manager for Christmas. She is a fan of Dr. Who so I thought she might get a kick out of this Christmas Tardis.

I still have to add some beads for the decorations on the tree and the wreath. And then finish it as a hanging ornament. I will post more pics as I get further along.

This next project I stitched up in a couple of hours as a thank you to a nurse that has been helping me out during my chemo treatments. I found out on Friday that she will be taking an extended leave for the next three months. I'm not sure if she will be back by the end of my chemo treatments so I wanted to show her my appreciation. I still need to figure out how I want to finish it and get done by this Friday! ACK! I will try to remember to post pictures of the finished product.

I've also been busy stitching a little something for the Harvest Exchange 2013 being hosted by Dixie Samplar. I'm so excited to be able to be a part of the exchange as I have never had the opportunity to do something like this before. Thanks for letting me participate!  =)

Well that's the latest on the stitching front for now. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.

Until next time...

Saturday, September 7, 2013

New to the Blog World (well sort of)

You would think being married to a geek that I would be deep into the online blogging world. But alas, I have usually opted to to keep pen to paper with a personal journal. I figure it's about time to come out of the dark and share with the world.

So here we go....

Let's get the unpleasant stuff out of the way first. In May of this year I found out I have cancer. Breast cancer to be exact. And since that time I have had mammograms, biopsies, ultrasounds, a double mastectomy with port placement, a revision surgery and new port placement, EKG's, MUGA scans, and now I'm having chemotherapy. WHEW! I've been busy. =)   If you would like to follow my adventures with cancer, you can read all about it by clicking here. Okay, okay so I'm not a complete noob to the blog world. ;P

But, believe it or not, all that has left me more time to do something else....

Crafting. I love to make things. I am a "jack of all trades, master of none" when it comes to crafting. I dabble in crochet, hand embroidery, scrapbooking, ornament painting, sketching, etc. But my first love will always be cross stitching. I find it to be therapeutic, especially now.

I recently completed a little cross stitch ornament for my sister for her birthday. And I am currently working on a little something for my hubby's boss for Christmas. (Pictures to come soon for those projects.) I am already planning my next project for my other sisters birthday. And with the holidays coming I expect to keep very busy while I let the chemo do it's job.

Until next time...