Monday, July 28, 2014

New Containers

...well, new to me anyway.  =)

I was looking for a way to store the beads that I use in my craft projects. I love the little seed style beads but storage of them can be tricky without spending money on specialty storage containers. I'm far too frugal for my own good sometimes when it comes to spending money on myself, so going to the store and buying new containers was going to be my last resort. My hubby has these neat little zip-lock style baggies that I was using to store my beads but they were not all that practical as you really have to dump the beads out of the bags to use them. So I was trying to find something around the house I could use.

Then it hit me. A few months ago my hubby had showed me some containers he had acquired and didn't need anymore. He had offered them to me but at the time I didn't see a need. Well today I found my need!

They are the perfect size to hold my beads. AND the best part is no more dumping the beads out of the container to use them. Not only that but as you can see the containers stack neatly together. Not only do they stack but they screw together.  *content sigh*

Yes, sometimes it's the weirdest little things that make my day.  =)

Happy Stitching!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Finding your feet....

I bet you all thought I was gone for good! That I had abandoned my blog. And with good reason! I disappeared from existence after Christmas. But here I am once again. Trying to find my feet...

So much has happened since December. On the day of my last blog post, December 28th, I received a call from my sister. I should start by saying that all of my family lives in upstate New York, while my husband and I live in northern California. My sister was calling to tell me that our dad was really sick. He had cancer and was given about 6 months to live. My whole world felt like it was crashing down around me. Here I was getting ready to have my final chemo treatment on January 4th for breast cancer only find out that my dad is dying. So I went into survival mode, which for me is shutting the world out and trying to focus on not going into full blown panic mode.

My first instinct was to hop on the first plane to NY. But realistically that wasn't going to happen. I needed to have my final treatments and try to recover enough from having chemo before travelling. So that's what I did. I completed chemo January 4th, two days after my 44th birthday. Then I waited to get my strength back and in June I traveled to NY to see my dad. I got to spend one last Father's Day with him and on July 1st my dad left this physical world to fly with the angels. I am so grateful for the time I got to spend with him and my mother. I got to witness a level of tenderness and love between my parents that I didn't know existed. It was such a gift.

So as you can tell I've been busy with life. I just had my six month check up with my oncologist and was hoping to get a clean bill of health but I need to have a few tests done. Some unpleasant things popped up back in April and I put off getting them checked out to make sure I wasn't just being a hypocondriac because of the breast cancer. So I waited until my six month check up in July. Now I'm scheduled for a few tests; blood work, a chest x-ray and a bone scan. Hope to have the results in a week or so.

I want to say "now that life is starting to calm down" (HAHAHA) I am getting back to looking at projects that I need to finish or stuff that I want to start! I was out shopping today at Joanns and Michaels looking for some Halloween props for my husband. He is a tech/engineer and writes articles for a couple of techie magazines. He needed a bat and a spider for a project he is writing an article on.

And just being in the craft stores got me itching to stitch again. So I bought myself a little something to get me going again.

Last fall I had finished stitching a little piece for Halloween but never actually put the finishing touches on it. So the orange beads are for my little ghostly girl.

I will post pictures as soon as I get started.  =)

I want to thank those of you that are still following me. I see that I did lose a few people along the way with such a big gap in postings. But I hope to get caught up and stay caught up. At least until the next crisis hits. =P

Happy Stitching!